cellpic.club makes money for common man

There are over a million number of smartphone users in the country today. Although not professional, some of their skills in photography can result in useful images. since the image quality these days holds good for printing posters, ads and also to be published and telecasted on TV, it is reduced burden for news-makers and promoters and is as well an extra earning opportunity for amateur photographers.
A large number of Indians today own smartphones and are more or less good at taking snaps. The intention behind creating this app is to ensure that the source of the image is awarded a deserving price for his work. Otherwise, images are seen going viral, getting copied and sometimes overused.
The app is scheduled to be rolled out in spring 2016. As per the information available, it is a free app for anyone to access and download. Charging the media sector for the images that they look for will not only help the image owner but will also add value to the photographs taken. On the other hand, the app is a one-stop spot for collecting all the required images by media.
Openpixel web solutions aims at not only visualizing concepts but also in making them functional. The app cellpic.club is indeed a great venture by the company after gaining a couple of years of experience in web designing, development of apps and much more.
Media Coverage @ Surge 2016