Lions District Portal

OpenPixel's Lions District Portal is a digital platform to manage Lions District activities with ease. Managing Activities, Clubs, Members, Events, Galleries, and Contest Rules are never been easy before the platform Launch.
OpenPixel's Lions District Portal Features

New Lion Registration
A new lion can easily register for a selected Lions Club nearby. The Club President or Administrator will verify the member details and approves the membership.
Managing a Lions Clubs
Admin can create new Clubs within the district and can assign Club president, secretary, and treasurer roles in the system.

Dashboard for District Governor, Club Presidents
Separate dashboards for Lions Club Secretary and Governor, with different level of access permissions to manage events, galleries, members, reports, payments status etc.
Event Management
Create and publish events on the portal share on social networks. Portal also sends alerts to all Lions or selected Club Lions by auto emails and SMS.

Contest Rules Management
Simple to use, manage website content, edit and update information with user friendly test editors. No coding knowledge is required.
Dynamic Contest Points Allocation
Create custom contest rules and when Club submits the content report online allocated content points would be awarded to the club automatically. Add bonus points to well performed Clubs.

Announcements will be published on website and delivered the all Lions or selected Club Lions emails addresses and Mobiles.
Monthly Club Reports
Clubs can submit monthly reports with a single click. Simply enter predefined information, review and submit. New members and Exit members information automatically added to the reports.

Monthly Best Activity Reports
Clubs can submit their Best Activity of the Month without pain. It is just a minute job to give provide event information, attach pictures, and Submit. The reward points will be automatically added to Club account.
Activity Reports
Performing multiple events every month? It is easy to send activity reports to Governor by using one minute activity report form. Club points would be ready to add in your account on report approval.

Dynamic Greetings Setup for Lions
No more delays in greet co Lions. The Portal will publish greets on home page and also sends to Lion email address and Mobile number.
SMS Panel
Admin controlled SMS Panel to send messages to all Lions or selected Club or selected list of Lions within the Portal. All feature integrated in one place.

Content Management System(CMS)
In the content managements system where Admin can create and manage users, clubs etc...
Create and publish Circulars to the portal Email circulars to all Lions. Save time and money on manual circulations.

Dynamic Directory
Dynamic Online Directory listing of all Lions information along with Clubs. A separate page for each club to promote the activities. Save time and money in manual directory updates and printing.
Member Profile Page
Dynamic Lion profile with all latest information. A Lion can update profile by login to the portal. Each Lion will have own profile page and an email address.

Manage Services & Activities
All information at one place to make sure everything is latest. Add content points each activity, add new services or activities with ease. Ex. Disaster Support activities can be created on the fly to motivate the Lions to start functioning immediately.
Photo Gallery
It is now easy to organise all photos in one place. Create event albums and share with friends and promote activities on social networks.

Payments Reports
Real time Membership Dues, Club Directory Levy, and Club GMT/GLT Levy reports.