OpenPixel Pioneers in Digitised Solutions for Small Business to cope with future Economy

Demonetization of 500 and 1000 Rupee notes with effect from November 9th 2016 is a historic policy enacted by government of India, Ministry of finance this meticulous move has marked the end of an era during which black money hoarders, fake currency operators and conventional ways of doing trade and businesses are no longer possible Traders all over India are clue less with this intriguing economic situation.
Demonetization effected your business?
It is a fact that scores of enterprises till couple of weeks back were comfortable with cash transactions and life has completely changed for all such enterprises with this sudden monetary norms. Every establishment including individuals are compelled to adopt cashless transaction and make their business scrupulous by embracing Digital economy. It’s the law of life that when one door closes the other opens, so instead of blaming the government and politicians it is imperative for every small, medium and large enterprises who are affected by these economic changes rethink and engage in constructive way to revamp the way we have been doing our transactions. Engaging in reengineering our systems and processes is the need of the hour.
Go online today! It is time to every small and medium businesses to switch to cashless transactions.
E-commerce which was just a alternative process for trading has become the only way out in which every enterprise inevitably needs to resort if they want to stay in the business. E-commerce draws on technologies such as Mobile commerce, Internet Marketing, Online Transaction processing, B2B Business to Business buying and selling. Last but not the least online shopping through web sites for retail sales direct to consumers and all the transactions need world wide web.
OpenPixel helps you to neutralize the situation!
In this scenario to revamp your business OpenPixel a digitized company based in Hyderabad that focuses on the web world has whole range of services to offer to its clients who have to adopt web based solutions to conduct their business in a transparent manner. OpenPixel offers vibrant solutions with which your Brand including products and services witness a tremendous boom.
Some of the core services of OpenPixel Web include Web Designing, Brand Identity, E Commerce, Mobile Applications, Enterprise Resource Management, E-mail Marketing, and UX Development. Among the products OpenPixels had participated in the Startup2day Expo, which was sponsored by TV5Money Channel where it launched the most revolutionary product named CellPic.Club. It's a simple but brilliant revenue generating model for an average smart phone user and a tool for media agencies and other companies to source images for a low price.
Go Cashless business transactions
OpenPixel provides simple and quick E- Commerce solutions with online payment options for all enterprises to facilitate them to conduct their day to day operations in line with the stipulations emphasized by demonetization of 500 and 1000 Rupee notes. OpenPixel pioneers in providing digitized solutions is indeed gearing up to expand their tentacles and prove their expertise to enterprises affected by Demonetization by extending quick fix solutions to Go CASHLESS form of transactions and Increase your business and stay ahead with your competitors.